If you are healthy and younger than 60, you probably have not yet thought much about the day you may need long-term care. After all, thinking about the day you no longer have your independence will likely cause anxiety about what will happen and your future finances.
The future is uncertain, so it is critical to plan for the day you need this type of care to lower the burden on your family and on your finances.
It keeps you informed
Planning for the day you need managed long-term care can teach you the early indicators that you need home care. For example, you and your family members should discuss potential home care when you start having trouble performing activities of daily living, such as cleaning, managing your finances, taking your medications, cooking, shopping, toileting, grooming, responding to emergencies and/or caring for your pets. If you have trouble with more than two of these, you may be eligible to qualify for managed long-term care through the community Medicaid program.
It provides for your spouse
Regarding long-term planning for couples, two individuals can make the process more complex. After all, spouses always care for each other and may find it difficult to ask for help and/or assistance. However, it is important for each spouse to be able to also take care of themselves and obtain respite care when needed.
The first thing one should do to start your care planning is to think about what you want in the future. Next, think about your finances and the anticipated vs unanticipated expenses. Then, consider your options for long-term care, what you want to happen in different scenarios, the cost of each of these and who you want to enact these plans.