Whether you are fresh out of college or building your family, your older loved ones may find themselves in need of your help along the way. It may be from age, disability or illness, but it happens to many American adults.
According to the American Association of Retired Persons, over one in five Americans provide unpaid caregiving or about 53 million adults. Understanding that cost and your other options may help you, your family and your loved one determine which one serves everyone’s needs best.
Unpaid caregiving
Many Americans step up to the plate to provide in-home caregiving for their loved one through recovery or through old age. This provides the most flexibility but comes at an out-of-pocket cost without support.
Paid caregiving
There is an option in New York to become a paid caregiver for your loved one. This program has some qualifications to meet and still leaves you with the work but offers compensation for your time spent providing that care.
Hired in-home caregivers
Many individuals already have these qualifications and provide in-home caregiving in your stead. This may come with out-of-pocket costs depending on what financial supports are available to your family.
Nursing homes
Facilities designed specifically to offer long-term care to your loved ones serve as a great tool for you and your family. They provide a safe place for them to live with regular check-ins for care.
Each option comes with paperwork regarding guardianship and planning. It is important, if you find yourself seeking the best option for your loved one, to investigate each one and lean on your resources to navigate the legal checkpoints entailed in them.