New Yorkers who place a loved one in a nursing home may be concerned about their elderly loved one’s health and well-being. This is why many New Yorkers make extensive efforts to vet any potential placements for their loved ones. However, despite diligent efforts, many New Yorkers find that their loved ones are in the care of negligent and abusive nursing home professionals. Although compensation may be available to victims of abuse and neglect, succeeding on such a claim requires putting forth competent and compelling evidence.
This may be challenging to do when a loved one is unable of effectively communicate what is causing him or her harm. This has sparked a debate about individuals putting cameras in nursing homes. New York doesn’t have a law that specifically addresses this matter, which has left it open to interpretation. The focus is often on the balance between privacy and safety. Should these cameras be turned off at any particular time? What if the camera also films a roommate? Also, some voice concern that cameras may not even catch abuse, as it can occur anywhere in a nursing home facility. This, in turn, could cause footage to be taken out of context.
Although utilizing cameras in a nursing home may be tolerated, it can cause a number of concerns without fulfilling its intended purpose. This is why those who have been injured or have a loved one who has been injured by nursing home abuse or neglect need to determine their best course of action to uncover the truth. Usually, physical evidence exists, individuals just have to know how to look for it.
Attorneys, like those at our firm, know how to spot this evidence and utilize it to build compelling legal arguments. For this reason, those who would like to learn more about how they may be able to recover compensation for the damages they have suffered can speak with an attorney who is experienced in this area of the law. This information could help one protect the rights of a loved one by helping them take the necessary steps to file a legal action.