Estate Planning Isn’t Just For The Elderly

Happy, smiling couple in their sixties.

Estate planning and your family vacation home

On Behalf of | Sep 30, 2022 | Blog, Estate Planning

Your vacation home may have become a beloved haven for you and your children, grandchildren and other family members to enjoy.

As you make plans for how your estate will transfer after your death, you may worry that this special piece of property will no longer be available for loved ones to share. However, you have several options when it comes to preserving this valuable asset for future generations.

Leaving a property to heirs outright

If your children have a good relationship with each other, the simplest option may be to transfer your property directly via a deed with equal ownership between siblings. However, even if your adult children get along, it may be wise to create a Use and Maintenance Agreement that details how they will share both upkeep and use of the home after your death.

Putting a vacation home into a trust

Both irrevocable and irrevocable trusts can be helpful for transferring property simply and avoiding probate. With an irrevocable trust, you can gift property to children or others during your life while setting terms that detail how your trustee will handle the home’s use and maintenance. Similarly, revocable trusts allow you to give detailed instructions about how the property will transfer and be managed after your death.

Forming a limited liability company

Creating a limited liability company to manage the property is another option. With an LLC, you can distribute shares of interest in a property to family members as you choose. You can also use the LLC’s operating agreement to give instructions about how to manage and use the home.

From preventing family disagreements to ensuring your property transfers as you wish, making the right estate planning choices today can make all the difference when it comes to preserving cherished family memories.